Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tyler Returns from Spain

   Tyler hit the road with the squadron to Albacete, Spain this year. He had a great time flying a fun mission over the Spanish skies but eventually it was time to come home to his family (old man Buddy, growing Motley, and his lonely wife Sarah). We were extremely excited to welcome him home!
   Here are some photos from his homecoming :) Enjoy!
My sweet Leslie and I waiting for our hubbys to dismount!

Here's our boys!

Just jump chicken - I'll catch you I promise ;)

Safe in my arms again <3

The longer the wait the sweeter the kiss <3 <3 <3

 Wait, where's he going? Wrong way!

The girls who helped us welcome home Slasher & Clutch: Katy, myself, Leslie, and Kristyn

Boys will be boys - Jolly and Slasher

After the excitement of welcoming daddy home the dogs were pooped...

Back in the kitchen - breakfast time :)

When's daddy coming home from work? Too cute!

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