Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sarah's Naming Night

    Well folks it's definitely been a LOOOOOONG while since I have posted anything on here. I figure it's time to "catch up". Ya'll are so patient ;)
    For those of you that don't know, the wives in our squadron get "call-signs" just like our husbands. We have a girls only night in the squadron bar where the namees-to-be get to do a bunch of funny games, little competitions, and eventually get to sit in the hot-seat and get stories told about them (10% truth) before getting their forever call-sign.
    Here's some fun photos from my special night! Enjoy :)
This was the beginning of the night before all the fun began :)
My first competition: Get the hotdog into the water bottle without using your hands! HAHA...
A challenge I won ...

Taking a shot of the most disgusting non-alcoholic concoction! It definitely had Worcestershire in it.
 Next game: TWISTER

Next challenge: blindfolded whipped cream mustache :)

The Namees

Excited for the next challenge: Be the first to get all the gummy worms out of the whipped cream pie without using your hands...

I won! haha....

Enjoying the moment :)

The stories begin: Rachel had some good stories to tell - Her proposed name for me was Axel Rosie - A play on "SLASHER" - Axel & Slash, get it?!

Another NW girl actually proposed the name that I got - Sarah proposed TAT - because I am a tough NW girl, a tough AF girl, and because I have tattoos she proposed TAT - Tough as Testicles  

After the girls voted and forever named me TAT

Thanks for being my sister here Rach!

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