Monday, May 13, 2013

Tying the Knot

Going to the Chapel and We're Gunna Get Married!... well they are, I'm just going to help them celebrate! Yes, my brother and his fiance are tying the knot!!!

Last week I checked our post office box and I had a very special package from my brother's fiance, Keisha. She had sent it several week ago only to find it returned to her door because she didn't mail it with enough postage (yikes!). I've been chomping at the bit to to get this package in the mail!

So here it is...I open it up to find several things.
1. An ADORABLE photo of my 4 year old nephew, Tyler, whom I MISS dearly
2. A really trendy and fashionable necklace
3. Some cute paper cutouts that I can use for some crafty things
4. and LAST but not LEAST, 4 card stock papers bound together by yarn

Is he not the cutest thing!?
So here's paper #1. This is Keisha's cute, creative, and sassy way of asking me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding to my brother, Paul, in September 2013. Isn't this too fun!? I especially love the "wing girl" at the end since I'm in an Air Force family and all :)

The wedding will be near their home in Estacada, Oregon which is in the Portland metro area. It'll be beautiful since it's an outdoor wedding in the late summer/early fall. Explanation of what their special day will look like and when it is:

Here's an explanation of what my role will be in the wedding party:

Information on what to wear for the BIG day! I've already been looking at dresses but I haven't found the perfect one yet. I need something extra special to honor her and my brother.

I've been waiting for their wedding day for so long I can't imagine how they must feel! It's going to be a lot of fun and a good time with family & friends. It's even more special for me because I'll get to fly home from England to see all my family in one place again...I get to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Here's Keisha and I on my special day: She did the honor of being one of my bridesmaids!

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for the Big Day when my little brother marries his Soul Mate. Keisha has been a part of our family for as long as I can remember and has always been considered my sister-in-law. My little brother, with Keisha by his side, has grown into an honorable man and loving father of my beautiful niece (Alice) and awesome nephew (Tyler). I am very happy for the two of them and know that the "Promise" they make to each other will last forever. P.S. I can't wait for the cake eating contest :) Love Dusty
