Our Wedding Story Part #1

I'm here to finally tell my favorite story, our wedding story...

Tyler and I met in February of 2012 on my first day at my new job as a Head Start teacher in Klamath Falls, Oregon. He was living in Klamath Falls while he was going through the F-15C B-Course (learning how to fly the F-15C). I had just moved back to Klamath Falls after graduating from Oregon State University (Go Beavs!) and had recently accepted a position at Klamath Family Head Start. *Funny side story: I actually was a student at Klamath Family Head Start when I was 4 years old.* Anyway, back to the original story here, Tyler just so happened to be volunteering in my classroom, on my first day on the job, to talk to the kiddos about being a pilot and about airplanes. They are only 3, 4, and 5 years old so he kept it very basic and simple :) *They had a lot of fun making paper airplanes*

Here are some photos taken that day of the two of us...little did we know that one day we'd find our soul-mate in one another and be married by the end of the year!

Here's Tyler and I- I don't think we'd even introduced ourselves yet!
Another one of Tyler and I before we had said "hello". The other gentleman in the photo is Trevor "Dozen" Aldridge. His wife, Katie, worked with me at Head Start and eventually is the one who personally introduced Tyler and I at a weekend get-together.
Putting on his G-Suit for the kiddos
Teaching them how to fold a paper airplane
He was passing around his helmet for all the kids to try on

Answering questions about flying airplanes
Isn't Curtis so cute!?! He's the one on the right :)

Tyler graduated in May and his folks (Brozia and Dixie) flew out from North Carolina to help him celebrate. I had the opportunity to visit with them both for a few days in the process. The 4 of us took a a mini-trip to Jacksonville, Oregon and to Northern California (Lassen County) while they were there.
Tyler's B-Course Graduation: Brozia, Dixie, Tyler and me
I was proud of him and it felt good to finally have that "Eagle Driver" patch!
On our road trip to Lassen County with Brozia & Dixie
This waterfall hike was a lot of fun!
A couple weeks later I took the plunge and flew across the US to visit Tyler and his family again, this time at their home turf of Harrisburg, NC. We had the BEST time! I met Tyler's sister (Mandy) & family (Craig, Dylan, Evan, Gavin & Daisy) during my stay at the Clark Family Home (it's almost like a B & B). The house was filled with laughter, sunshine, coffee breaks, board games/card games, swimming, and fireflies! To put is modestly, I made some of the best memories of my life that weekend. I truly felt "at home" and Tyler's family was so welcoming and friendly that I had a hard time saying goodbye.

Getting ready to go on a dinner date in Charlotte, NC
By The Clark Family Pool
My introduction to frozen cookies and ice cream..a Clark Family Classic
I was giddy!
The family enjoying morning coffee and the summer sun on the back porch...
Waking up to these kiddos was a blast!
Tyler left soon after for his endeavors in England where he had been assigned his first duty station: 493rd Fighter Squadron - the Grim Reapers. It wasn't long after that I flew out to England to spend some time with him...I just couldn't get enough of that cute face and freckles. We spent as much time as we could travelling around the local area trying to get this new English lifestyle down. Tyler planned for us to take a weekend trip to London on June 15-17 to check out all the typical sites...I was ecstatic!

The day I arrived in England Tyler didn't waste any time-we went to Stonehenge!
The Tower of London
Yes, these telephone booths are everywhere!
Tyler checking out some ruins nearby in a town called Bury St Edmunds
Riding a hop on/hop off bus in London
On Saturday, June 16, Tyler and I had dinner at a steak house (Angus Steak House) in Piccadilly Circus Square (best sweet potato fries I've ever had) before taking the Metro to see Big Ben by moonlight. We arrived at our stop and Tyler requested that we walk across the bridge to get a full view of Big Ben all lit up from across the river. I thought it was a terrific idea and off we went. We found a walkway that led down to a viewpoint near the river where we decided to put my camera on "self timer" so we both could be in the photos. Little did I know that in the photos, Tyler had secretly removed a ring box from his pocket and placed it in his hand for me to see when reviewing the image on the camera. He then dropped to one knee and made me the happiest woman in the world: "Will you marry me?" YES! YES! YES!

This is us just prior to heading out to dinner on Saturday
Tyler being sneaky and holding the ring box in his hand :)
Just after he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him <3
This was on our way back to our hotel (I think it was like midnight or later). I was so tired & so happy!

...time passes...wedding planning...some more time...some more wedding planning...

Finally! It's time for the wedding :) We decided to have our wedding in North Carolina near Tyler's parent's home. We picked to have our ceremony at their family church (United Methodist) and to have our reception in the country (Saratoga Springs). 

First things first, the days leading up to the wedding of the century ;) ...

*The Bridal Shower* Hosted by my GREAT friend, Chelsea!

Chelsea (one of my bridesmaids) threw me a Bridal Shower with the help of Kindra (Tyler's sister) at Dixie's house :)
My mom, Michelle (bridesmaid), Keisha (sister-in-law/bridesmaid),  and Kindra (sister-in-law)
The moms and the bride <3
They had me play a game where I had to match all the wedding bands to the rightful owner (I got them all right- NO BIG DEAL!) 
Kindra made these beautiful and delicious cupcakes for the shower!
Tyler and his sisters: Kindra & Mandy (aren't they beautiful!?)
Tyler and his groomsman Dustin (he flew in from New Mexico)
My sister (Dusty) and Tyler's mom (Dixie)
Thanks for the apron Kindra!
My beautiful mama
Thanks for the luggage tags Mandy!

 *The Bachelorette Party* Hosted by Keisha & Michelle

Here we go!
The girls took me to a piano bar!
This is rare form for me :)
They paid to write this on the board and it stayed up there the whole time we were there :)
Taking a shot from the bouncer's stomach region hmm...

I had to play this game by rolling the dice and doing whatever it said
They even got me on stage to dance to the song "Baby Got Back"

Who is that?
Such great girls to look after me! It was a blast :)

We went to say "hello" to the boys down the street!
Found him! Isn't he handsome!?
A pic of the guys

Back at the hotel they made a toilet paper dress on me and asked me trivia questions about Tyler- I think I was about to pass out by this point!

*The Pampering*

Some of us girls went to get our nails done the morning after the Bachelorette Party- Bad idea! I was really hung over (not feeling well) and this was the first time I had ever had my nails done. The chemicals about killed me. I had to wear my scarf over my nose and mouth in order to filter out some of the fumes. I was constantly trying not to throw up! My sister and Chelsea graciously continuously adjusted my scarf back on my face as it slowly slid off :)
Keisha and I getting our nails done :)

Look at how creepy they look prior to them cutting them to size!
To be continued....


  1. Love the blog so far!! Looking forward to continuing the reading!

  2. This is my favorite story too! The one of how my little sister, Princess Sarah, met her Prince Charming :) One of the greatest moments of my life has been to share in the festivaties. Can't wait for the rest of the story. Love Dusty
