Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome to the World of Blogging

So yes, we've decided to try out this whole "Blog" thing so that our family and friends can keep up with us as we travel around the world with the Air Force. I'm still trying to keep up with us ::cough cough::. Things change rapidly in the military and we've learned quickly that "flexibility" is the key to life around here. We hope that ya'll will keep up with us and support us on our journey!

Tyler and I have been talking about starting a blog for a while now. We actively follow a couple blogs (Seen A Setzer Lately?, Just A Partin Life, and some random Pinerest blogs). We love the fact that even though we can't be there physically to experience all of these special moments with people, we can still feel like we were there in spirit when we read all about our friends/families. Pictures on the blogs are the best and really keep us coming back for more! We hope that our blog will be just as great as the ones we currently love :)

Be patient as we start our journey with blogging. Any tips, tricks, advice on how to do this whole thing would be greatly appreciated!

From our happy home to yours,
Sarah, Tyler & Buddy


  1. YEA!!!!!! Can I just say- it's about time! Welcome to the Blogging world!

  2. I'm so excited for you guys. This is also a great way for me to check in on my lil sis and bro-in-law and see what awesome things you are up to.
