Friday, November 8, 2013

Honey Moon Part 2

Honey Moon Part II: More Fun in the Sun!!!

So every Wednesday night the resort has chocolate night...uhhh YUM! We had to wait outside the roped off area for them to open. So here I was, lounging around until it was go-time. 

Here's some different examples of chocolates they had. They even had 2 workers covered (head to toe) in chocolate!
This is where I parked myself for the evening- my favorite table- chocolate fondue.
The next day Tyler and I went on a horse riding adventure. Tyler knew that I really missed owning and riding horses so he wanted us to do this as a special part of our honeymoon. What a guy!
The bus took us to a horse camp (if you can call it that) where we rode horses down to the beach and in the ocean. Yes, in the ocean! We were on our horses as they waded through water up to their necks. I have to say it was a little freaky thinking that at any moment a shark could come eat my horse for lunch. After all, a horse would be a good sized meal for a shark, right?

A dog living at the horse camp - so stinkin' skinny!
During the ride our guide took a photo of us. Our horses don't look very amused.

This was our base camp on the beach side where we rested, ate a snack that was provided and we could buy merchandise before riding through the ocean.

Our little hut area :)

Tyler just loved his horse, can't you tell?

One of my favorite shots...his horse just cracks me up!

A little crab visitor...
The happy honeymooners <3
There was a photographer waiting down there that we could pay a stupid amount of money to take this photo. Instead we asked our guide to take it and he did!

Post ocean riding beer...standard

They became best of friends I'd say :)
The view riding back to the camp. This house had a great view of the ocean. This was on an old plantation.
The next day we played around the resort and got some rays. Tyler even talked me into swimming to that square pad you see in the water. Now if you know me, that's a HUGE deal. I don't like swimming...especially in the ocean. I was deathly afraid and had anxiety coming out my ears but Tyler assured me I would be fine. It took A LOT of convincing but I caved and we went out there :) Oh, and I didn't get eaten by a shark.
Our lounging area for the day :)
Tyler got some rays and was actually getting tan! Lookin' good baby!

Oh how I miss laying out in the sunshine. It was so relaxing just sleeping the day away when the toughest decision we had to make each day was where we wanted to eat our free breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What a life!!!
Rum and Coke I believe. Tyler did manage to sucker me into going out in the water here as well. I felt pretty safe being surrounded by the docks.

Morning lounge time. How amazing to wake up to this every morning, put on a robe, drink some coffee, and listen to the birds. Couldn't have asked for anything more.

Living the dream in this photo I think. He looks absolutely content :)

Lunch on the water front. I got a virgin strawberry daiquiri sugary.

Tyler got a Bob Marley. I just love the color combo. How do they get it to stay separated?!

Some coconut shrimp for lunch with sweet chili sauce.
They had a show that night with a big buffet and performers. They had members of the audience come up and do a competition shakin' their booties. Let me tell you, some little white girl from NC won and I've NEVER seen anyone shake their booty like her. She was gifted to say the least.

Look at them high heels...oo lala.

The next morning I was obviously in a chipper mood?

Tyler insisted that I wear these high heels - look at the workout my calves were getting. We had to walk up and down this hill to get to and from our villa. I definitely had nice calves after our honeymoon.

Loving my handsome husband!!

Our last dinner in Jamaica. We met a nice couple who were also in the Air Force on our last day there. Tyler noticed he had a pilot training patch on his backpack so we struck up a conversation and they are stationed at Little Rock. We ate our last dinner with them at the Italian place.

The food was gourmet!

Our final breakfast. We ate like Kings and Queens. I think the lady that worked the omelet/egg station was sad Tyler was leaving. He was always so polite to her and I think she really enjoyed seeing him in the mornings. It's nice to have a husband that people love to be around and that treats people so kindly. One of the gazillion things I love about him <3

Tyler was hilarious when we had to catch our shuttle back to the airport. At the last minute he found out that we could have drinks on the shuttle so he ran off as quickly as he could to snatch 2 more free drinks. I'm not sure what these are but he enjoyed them - especially because they were "free".

Back to the airport. Goodbye Jamaica. Hello, North Carolina! The Clarks are on their way!

I love you, Tyler, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you <3


  1. How wonderful and fun it all sounded! I love your blog, many more will come I hope - wonderful couple and Love you both! Aunt Cindy.

  2. Thanks Aunt Cindy! We love you too :) I'm working on some posts right now that I need to share: Normandy being one of them!
