Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tyler Returns from Spain

   Tyler hit the road with the squadron to Albacete, Spain this year. He had a great time flying a fun mission over the Spanish skies but eventually it was time to come home to his family (old man Buddy, growing Motley, and his lonely wife Sarah). We were extremely excited to welcome him home!
   Here are some photos from his homecoming :) Enjoy!
My sweet Leslie and I waiting for our hubbys to dismount!

Here's our boys!

Just jump chicken - I'll catch you I promise ;)

Safe in my arms again <3

The longer the wait the sweeter the kiss <3 <3 <3

 Wait, where's he going? Wrong way!

The girls who helped us welcome home Slasher & Clutch: Katy, myself, Leslie, and Kristyn

Boys will be boys - Jolly and Slasher

After the excitement of welcoming daddy home the dogs were pooped...

Back in the kitchen - breakfast time :)

When's daddy coming home from work? Too cute!

Tyler Returns from Lithuania

   Tyler had been deployed to the Baltics fairly quickly and we weren't sure of how long he would be away.  I decided he would enjoy receiving a care package from home to show him that I was thinking about him :) Here's a picture of the package I put together ...


On the day of arrival I whipped up from Reaper themed cupcakes for the returning boys ...

 Some of the adorable kiddos in our squadron who were more than excited to see their daddies again!

My bestie, Rachel, and I waiting for our hubbys to land!
 Here he comes!!!

 About to pee my pants with butterflies in my stomach :/

Standard SLASHER moves :P

Such a sweet moment for me <3 <3 <3
It's tradition for us to bring the guys a beer when they land. My husband gets nothing but the BEST - Coors Light
Right where he belongs <3 I love this boy!

Sarah's Naming Night

    Well folks it's definitely been a LOOOOOONG while since I have posted anything on here. I figure it's time to "catch up". Ya'll are so patient ;)
    For those of you that don't know, the wives in our squadron get "call-signs" just like our husbands. We have a girls only night in the squadron bar where the namees-to-be get to do a bunch of funny games, little competitions, and eventually get to sit in the hot-seat and get stories told about them (10% truth) before getting their forever call-sign.
    Here's some fun photos from my special night! Enjoy :)
This was the beginning of the night before all the fun began :)
My first competition: Get the hotdog into the water bottle without using your hands! HAHA...
A challenge I won ...

Taking a shot of the most disgusting non-alcoholic concoction! It definitely had Worcestershire in it.
 Next game: TWISTER

Next challenge: blindfolded whipped cream mustache :)

The Namees

Excited for the next challenge: Be the first to get all the gummy worms out of the whipped cream pie without using your hands...

I won! haha....

Enjoying the moment :)

The stories begin: Rachel had some good stories to tell - Her proposed name for me was Axel Rosie - A play on "SLASHER" - Axel & Slash, get it?!

Another NW girl actually proposed the name that I got - Sarah proposed TAT - because I am a tough NW girl, a tough AF girl, and because I have tattoos she proposed TAT - Tough as Testicles  

After the girls voted and forever named me TAT

Thanks for being my sister here Rach!