Sunday, May 12, 2013

Buddy Gets A Bath

Buddy's Bath Time!

So, Tyler and I have noticed that Buddy has been getting a little stinky. I guess if I didn't shower in several months I may smell a little too, ya think?! Well this morning the sunshine was showing its beautiful face so we decided it was time to do the deed. 

By the time we actually got around to giving him a bath it was getting cloudy and cold out. We had to bathe him out in the backyard with the hose so I knew he'd be cold :( The water was FREEZING! He normally doesn't mind a bath but let me tell you, I think if I was him, I would've bit me :)

Poor baby!
Scrub a dub dub
He was a trooper but we inched our way closer and closer to the door as the bath progressed :/
We used PETHEAD shampoo haha!
At the end I had Tyler bring out a bucket of warm water to dump on Buddy. It was my way of asking for forgiveness for giving him a freezing cold bath outside while it was windy! He stood there the whole time for the warm water...I have to say, it was quite nice :)

He's ready to shake off!

His favorite part of the bath is shaking off at the end...of course... Well Tyler and I both LOVE the way he shakes the front of his body before he shakes his butt off. I even get him to do it on command!

Here's a video of him shaking off! Too cute!

And the end result! TADA!

 What a handsome boy! Happy Mothers Day!


  1. SOOoooSOooo CUTE! AHHH, I miss Buddy. I bet he smells much nicer and feels better too. It seems like it was a great day in England for a bath :) Bet you needed one after that. Love Dusty

    1. Buddy smells a little better at least!

    2. I'm still waiting for the Buddy Blog, with Buddies funniest videos - It'll be hilarious.
